Lead Management

Aggregate your leads into one real-time lead inbox and dashboard to understand what marketing channels, from websites to magazines, provide the best return on investment.
How to Automatically Assign New Leads to Team Members
Our Dealership Drive system allows you to automatically assign new leads to team members, saving time and ensuring fair lead distribution. You can cho...
How to Assign Leads Using Round-Robin Auto Assignment
Round-robin lead auto-assignment distributes incoming leads evenly among team members in a rotating order. When a new lead is received, it is automati...
How to Export Data Spreadsheets From Your System (for Lead Management)
We’ll begin this tutorial from wherever in your dealer system where you would like to export information—whether that is a Deals panel, Inventory, CRM...
How to Update or Edit a Lead's Status in Your Sales Desk
1. Navigate to https://www.dealershipdrive.com/ and make sure you are logged into your account. 2. Click "Lead Inbox" under the Sales Desk section. ...
How to Access "Marketing Performance by Location" Reports
The “Marketing Performance by Location” reports allow you to see marketing metrics by each of your dealership locations—including: Listing Page Views ...
Automated Lead Source to Sale Tracking and Why It's Important
While this is typically the determining factor when trying to decide where you spend your marketing dollars; a better question may be, “How many of th...
How to Filter Lead Activity by Location
Viewing the lead activity for specific locations can be a powerful tool in establishing a winning sales strategy as well as reporting to your team on ...
What are Lead Statuses and What Effect Do They Have? (Open, Won, Lost, Deleted, Spam, Duplicate
For the sake of easy filtering to find specific lead records for processing, each is assigned a Lead Status. Each Lead Status informs the user about t...
What are phone # requests?
If you've checked out your lead activity inbox, you've most likely seen a Phone # Request show up. Phone number requests are clicks made by visitors...
How to Progress a Lead Through the Lead Pipeline Stages
In your Lead Inbox, you will notice that every lead provides a visual representation of the Lead Pipeline Stage on the relevant entry. This provides f...
How to Filter Your Lead Inbox According to Lead Stages or Lead Statuses
When using your Lead Inbox, you may need to find specific leads according to the stage or status of a lead. Fortunately, there is an quick and easy wa...
Setting up Direct Email Lead Import
Our Lead Management System provides you the ability to automatically import email leads from other lead sources (e.g. online marketplaces) so you can ...
Where Can You Find a Lead Record in Your Dealer System (3 Places)
Within your system, there are three places where you can locate a Lead record: the Lead Inbox, an associated Communications tab, and a Deal's source. ...
How to Customize Your Lead Pipeline Stages
Every Dealership Drive dealer system comes with default Lead Pipeline Stages that represent the most common stages of a lead. However, your team may n...
How to See How Long (Days, Minutes) a Lead Has Been in a Particular Lead Stage
Any sales professional can tell you that leads can quickly go from hot to cold without timely follow-up. Knowing how long it has existed in a particul...
How to Manage/Account For Lost Leads and Reasons
Keeping track of leads that don't result in sales is a helpful way to not only store records of lost leads but also as a means of identifying ways to ...
How to Set and Use Lead Values
Lead values in the dealer system are monetary values you can assign to leads for in-depth cost-benefit analysis—ranging from figures on items to marke...
Getting Started With Your Lead Inbox
Welcome to your comprehensive guide to your Lead Inbox—the nerve center of your dealership's sales operations. Within this powerful tool lies the pote...