What are Lead Statuses and What Effect Do They Have? (Open, Won, Lost, Deleted, Spam, Duplicate


For the sake of easy filtering to find specific lead records for processing, each is assigned a Lead Status. Each Lead Status informs the user about the nature or progression of each logged lead record.

Let's take a look at what each of these statuses means and how they may be used.

An "Open" status typically reflects a newer lead or one still in process. For any number of reasons, it has not been won, lost, or deleted, so these may still result in a transaction.


A "Won" lead status indicates that a lead has been successfully converted to a paying customer.


A "Lost" lead record indicates that the lead has failed to fully convert into a paying customer for any number of reasons.


A "Deleted" lead record status typically refers to lead records that were neither lost nor won but otherwise can be removed from consideration. The "Deleted" status is another way of maintaining an accurate interaction record without proceeding.


The "Duplicate" lead status designation refers to a lead record that is a copy of another—either produced unintentionally or for another reason.


A "Spam" lead status indicates a lead file not of a genuine lead but rather an unwanted solicitor—automated or otherwise.

Using lead status indications allows you to easily categorize your lead records for efficient filtering and processing.

If you have any further questions, email support@mlsinc.com.