How to Edit/Add Dealership Locations


The Dealership Drive Dealer Management System enables dealers to include multiple dealership locations. When managing inventory, sales, marketing, or contact records, a dealership location can be chosen from a drop-down menu.

The location assigned to aninventory item/listing indicates where the item is stored. The phone number associated with this location can be used to inquire about the specific item. If the inventory item is stored at a location not related to the dealership, this location and its phone number can be added at the inventory item level.

How to add/edit locations

Under Account Management click on Company Location(s)/Seller Location(s).

Here, you can see all your current dealership locations.

Add a new location

To add a new dealership location, click the "+ New Location" button.

Enter all the location information and click "Save Changes".

Edit or delete a location

To edit or delete a dealership location, select the corresponding option from the "Actions" drop-down menu.

When editing a location, update the relevant dealershiplocation information and click "Save Changes".

Assign a unique non-company related location to a specific inventory item

The locations mentioned above are permanent dealership locations. However, if a particular inventory item is stored at a different location than the dealership, this location can be added at the inventory item level. For more details, refer to our article "How to Add a Unique Non-Company Location to a Specific Inventory Item."

Questions and Suggestions?

Contact your Dealership Drive sales representative.